Saturday, December 3, 2011

Your Best Investment

Our family celebrated my son’s fortieth birthday this week. My oldest child, Larry, leaped across the line of middle age into the next phase of his life. I was filled with joy to know my firstborn child had reached this milestone.
It also gave me reason to pause. Where have the years gone? Wasn’t I just turning 40? How quickly life is passing! It’s so important to recognize the things that really matter.
I can recall playing in my living room with my two toddler sons many years ago. It was cold and snowy where we lived in Michigan. There were times when I didn’t leave the house for two or three days because of the frigid weather and snow piled three feet high.  When the high temperature for the day reached nine below zero, it was impossible to allow my sons to play outside for even a few minutes. I had to be very creative in keeping them busy all winter.
I remember thinking, “What am I doing with my life? I do the same things over and over again every day. What am I accomplishing for the Lord?” I reviewed my daily tasks. Make breakfast. Dress the boys. Clean up breakfast. Play with the kids. Make lunch. Clean again. Put the boys down for a nap. Prepare for supper. Clean up supper. Bathe the boys and put them to bed. Do it all over again the next day. Oh, and there may have been a few things like vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, making beds, food shopping, washing and folding clothes, arranging for playmates to visit and---well, you get the picture. Perhaps you can relate to the feelings I had back then.
What I didn’t understand as a young mother was that I was investing in the future. Everything I did to love and nurture my children would influence their lives. Being a mother is still the most important—and hardest-- job in the world. Pouring your affection, patience, care, understanding, comfort, and gifts from God into your children (and grandchildren) is still the best investment you will make in life. There’s no guarantee the stock market will make you rich. But if you invest in the lives of your children, or those the Lord has placed in the sphere of your influence, you will have a rich life.  The returns are eternal and the rewards sublime.
Take each day as a gift from God and do everything you do—even the mundane and simple tasks—as if you are doing them for the Lord. Because you are. “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17, NIV)
Before you know it, you’ll be singing “Happy Birthday” to an adult.
Have you stopped seeing the value in what you do every day? Can you see God in the mundane and routine things of life? Try doing everything in the name of Jesus with thanksgiving to God. It will change your perspective!

Copyright, 2011, Annalee Davis

1 comment:

  1. Great message, Annalee. You encourage us all for the task of mothering and grandmothering. I just wish I had some things I could do over. I can hope to do those things with my grandchildren.

