Friday, August 31, 2012

Grandparenting Through Obstacles

I'm blessed by my heavenly Father with four precious grandchildren. I live far from three of them, so grandparenting isn’t always easy. That’s why I am so delighted to be a part of a new book release titled: “Grandparenting Through Obstacles: Overcoming Family Challenges to Reach Your Grandchildren for Christ.” 
My story, “Liking Skyping” shows how my obstacle of long-distance grandparenting can be overcome through the use of technology. Several authors share their creative solutions to other difficulties. It is a wonderful, Christian resource for anyone who is a grandparent.
My grandchildren have brought me enormous joy. Joy I might have never known. When a massive abdominal infection almost took my life at fifty years old, I almost missed the birth of my first granddaughter.
I would have been deprived of three little girls hugging me and saying “I love you, Grandma.” I would have missed the laughter, giggles, cookie making, sewing projects, special trips to the Crayola Factory, American Girl Doll Store, and Mary Poppins on Broadway. We’ve enjoyed blueberry picking, swimming, biking and many other activities and adventures over the years.
And most recently, I would have missed the only male child born into our extended family in thirty-three years. My grandson, who lives here in New Jersey with my younger son and his wife, is a joy beyond words. At fifteen months old, he recognizes me. After a visit, when it’s time to say “good-bye,” he puts his bottom lip out, gives me a sad look, and cries.  It breaks my heart every time.
Yes, I would have missed so much. But my grandchildren would have lost out on knowing their grandmother who loves them.  They would have never known this grandmother who knows and loves the Lord and shares Jesus with them every time we are together. I still pray with the girls at bedtime when I visit. And I sing Sunday School songs to the little boy I get to see each week.
I just returned from a week of vacation with my older son and his family in Maine. I hadn’t seen them in person for eight months and my granddaughters have grown like corn in July. The oldest will be a teenager in a couple of weeks. That’s hard to believe. It seems like I was cradling her in my arms only a couple of years ago. Skyping has helped ease the pain of separation between our visits.
Grandparenting is both a joy and a responsibility. One of the endorsers of Grandparenting Through Obstacles, Jim Ertel, (Founder of Heart of the Family Ministries) states: “I cannot remember a time when the role that grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren has been more desperately needed.”
Let’s be the best grandparents that we can be!
Are there obstacles you need to overcome to influence your grandchildren for Christ? What steps can you take today to make a difference in their lives?
For Grandparent’s Day, September 9th, Christian Community Chapel, 211 Route 206 N.,  Hillsborough, N.J. will host my first book signing for Grandparenting Through Obstacles. I’ll be there with my “book signing Sharpie.” If you can, stop by from 12:30 -1:30 P.M. You can also go to or at any time to order your copy.
To view a short video (known as a “trailer”) on the book, go to:
My personal interview will be posted on the book blog on September 6 and 13th. To read the blog go to:

Copyright, 2012, Annalee Davis