Saturday, February 11, 2012

Killer Bees

For several years I’ve been hearing about “Killer Bees” invading the United States from South America. They’re African bees that were released in Brazil and they are more aggressive and dangerous than normal honey bees. These insects have been known to attack human beings and last year an elderly man in Georgia was killed in one of those attacks.[1] Pretty scary, huh?
Don’t worry. The chances are slim that you will encounter them. And there are bees that are even more dangerous than the insects. I can’t remember where I heard about them, but they are called “killer be’s” and they can crush your spirit. They often appear as seemingly harmless statements like:
“I should be_______________.”
“I could be _______________.”
“I would be_______________.”
Fill in the blanks for yourself. I have the habit of telling myself “I should be doing more.” “I could be making more money.” “I would be at a different place in life if it weren’t for all the people who have wounded me.”
These “be’s’” bring condemnation, shame, guilt and regret. They feed on resentment, bitterness and anxiety. They’re killers of time, energy and the ability to move forward in life. They rob us of joy, hope and gratitude for what we have.
Don’t let killer “be’s” invade your thoughts and divide your heart. Rather, concentrate on what God says about you. Statements of truth like:
·         You ARE a child of God (John 1:12)
·         You ARE the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21)
·         You ARE created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
·         You ARE able to do all things through Christ (Philippians 4: 13)
·         You ARE loved with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3)
The next time the devil tries to attack you with a “killer be”, send him away in the Name of Jesus. And you won’t get stung!
Are you allowing the “killer be’s” to attack your mind and spirit? Do you dwell in negative thoughts and emotions? Allow God’s Spirit to touch your heart so you can be free of these hindrances as you walk with Him.

Copyright, 2012, Annalee Davis

[1] Information taken from “Wikipedia.”